Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Gather ye rosebuds...

Feeling a bit rotten today, as I have caught some kind of nasty virus.  Its summer here in New Zealand now, so this seems rather unfair.  It's made me feel blue and to make matters worse, the glorious sunny days we have been enjoying are about to be buffeted aside by a deluge of wet, rainy days.  So, in an effort to cheer myself up, I snuck out into my garden this afternoon, just before the rain arrived, to capture a photo or two of the beautiful flowers in my garden.  Ta da!

This gorgeous pink rose reminds me of a fabulous lipstick my Mother used to wear when I was a child.  The lipstick was called 'Hollywood Rose' and I thought my dear Mum looked so beautiful when she wore it.

'Rambling roses' in the garden at Cape Cottage...
Lovely Christmas flowers to make the inside of Cape Cottage look summery too!  Oh and this one below I could not resist popping in here - my darling dog Max (the manic!) attempting to use the leafy garden to stay cool.

Finally, all these roses remind me of a poem I love by Robert Herrick.  Its been a favourite of mine since I was young and watched the movie 'The Dead Poets Society', with its lesson of 'Carpe Diem' - seize the day!  I think this poem captures that tone very well...enjoy!


GATHER ye rosebuds while ye may,
    Old time is still a-flying :
And this same flower that smiles to-day
    To-morrow will be dying.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
    The higher he's a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run,
    And nearer he's to setting.

That age is best which is the first,
    When youth and blood are warmer ;
But being spent, the worse, and worst
    Times still succeed the former.

Then be not coy, but use your time,
    And while ye may go marry :
For having lost but once your prime
    You may for ever tarry.

Monday, 26 December 2011

A day of bliss

Today is one of those magical, blissful days where time slips slowly by, there is no schedule to follow and the potential for hours filled with self-indulgent pleasure exists.  The frantic, fabulous build up to Christmas is over, the special day has passed.  The house is a mess once again.  The fridge is bulging with gorgeous leftovers, tempting turkey, decadent desserts, scrumptious cheeses and all manner of treats.  Everyone is content to enjoy the gifts they were fortunate enough to receive. The sounds of summer waft through the house and the christmas flowers sent the air with their beautiful perfume.  The sun is shinning and the time has come for me to sneak away to a comfy, quiet spot at Cape Cottage and read one of the lovely new books I received for Xmas.  Oh but first a trip to the pantry is called for!  I am going to fill a wee bowl with yummy summer berries, a dollop of cream and perhaps just a teeny tiny piece of leftover pavalova!

The pavlova - just waiting for the family to devour it!  Oh yes and not the most elegant of plates I know, but the lads chose it and had covered it in cream and berries before I could transfer it to something pretty - c'est la vie!